Monday, February 18, 2013

Aligning Fitness To Your Lifestyle

"Some people have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can." Martha Graham

Inspiration for perspiration is everywhere. Sometimes we become handicapped by time and convenience. Fitness and movement have become so far removed from our everyday life that we have to make separate “time” to exercise. The impact on our bodies is obvious... epidemic obesity, low back pain, sore necks, hunched posture, tight hips, depression and an overwhelming loss of connection between body and mind, not to mention spirit. BUT, we can't change society today and it's hard to always make time, so here are some tips to get yourself moving closer to health, fitness and happiness.

  • Movement is LIFE: we can move more throughout our days without stepping into a gym, group fitness class, or running 5 miles.
  • 10,000 steps a day is recommended as a health and fitness minimum. Grab a cheap pedometer and start counting. 
  • Take the stairs, take the scenic route, take the walk: we often become so addicted to racing to work, racing home, going here and there. Give yourself time to get from point A to point B and use those powerful things, formly known as legs.
(The best way to reach a goal is to set a goal.)
  • SPECIFIC: Make your goal specific. Don't be general.  Ex: I want to be able to do 5 push ups.
  • MEASURABLE: Set a goal with an end point. Ex: When I can do 5 push ups, I've reached my goal.
  • ATTAINABLE: Identify goals that are really important to you. Ex: If I can do 5 push ups, I'm powerful.
  • REALISTIC: What are you able and willing to do to. Ex: I can do Tues/Thurs and it's in my calendar.
  • TIMELY: Give yourself a time frame — otherwise, days, weeks, and months slip by... Ex: I want to be able to do 5 push ups in 2 months.

Amelia Rose is an ACE certified trainer at Crunch Gym in New York City. Her journey to personal training started with sports and recreation. In 2010, she went through YogaWorks 200hr training with Annie Carpenter in Los Angeles. The cold winds of NYC called her home to the east coast where she taught yoga, zumba and her own class called “Shake your Asana” for two years. Teaching over 13 classes a week, her body started to break down and muscle imbalances left in pain. She became a personal trainer, not only to heal her own body but also to help people move through life pain-free and with a sense of potential.

Currently, Amelia is in love with the versatility and strength that gym equipment provides for her clients. She specializes in functional training, weight loss and corrective techniques. From High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) to Pilates, she enjoys creating individual programs and routines that inspire her clients.

Certificates: ACE, Zumba, YogaWorks 200hr, Buff Yoga, TRX suspension, Rip Trainer and DOTfit nutrition and vitamins. Degree: B.S. Applied Psychology, Ithaca College

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but, a habit.”

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